Focusing on well-being
For every 'Handelsbanker'
The Staff Foundation sees it as one of its key duties to promote well-being. We would like to offer here some inspiration and information on well-being and recovery.
A revitalising trip! Wonderful to be close to the sea, the forest, with swimming and sauna. Peaceful. Very positive.
Visitor to Långbäling
Check out our inspiration page! Here you will find interesting content that can give you new energy and motivation. Don’t miss our theme on awe, where we explore the small and big miracles in everyday life
The concept of well-being has been a focus area for the foundation since 1956.
Common questions and answers.
What can I find on this website?
Information about holiday lettings, how to rent our cottages on Långbäling island and Lidingö, inspiration on health and well-being, simple yet effective exercises for physical activity, recuperation and much more.
Who can access this website?
All employees at Handelsbanken or people who have left Handelsbanken at the point of retirement have access to this website.
How do I log in?
If you are employed, you login using your Handelsbanken email address. Retirees are granted access after sending an application via a contact form on the website. This contact form will be launched as soon as possible.
I am currently employed by the bank, but will soon retire. How can I access the website in the future?
Please contact us for assistance.
How do I change my password?
Please contact us for assistance.